Book Description
Teaches C++ by applying the best software engineering practices and methodologies to programming in C++. Shows the user how to build code that is more robust, easier to maintain and modify, and more valuable. Softcover. DLC: C++ (Computer programming language).
Topics covered:
- The software crisis
- Software project-management techniques
- Design-quality principles
- Introduction to the C++ language
- A minimum C++ application explained
- C++ data types
- Operators and flow control
- Arrays
- C/C++ structures
- Unions
- Enumerations and bit fields
- Memory-management techniques (including stack and heap allocation, dynamic allocation, avoiding memory leaks)
- File I/O with and without stream classes
- Basic C++ class design
- Parameter passing in C++ (options and best practices)
- Creating custom programmer-defined data types
- Cohesion
- Coupling
- Data encapsulation and information hiding
- Guidelines for C++ class design: constructors (default, conversion, and copy constructors), overloading the assignment operator, destructors
- In-depth guide to overloading C++ operators
- Introduction to UML class diagrams
- Aggregation and inheritance
- C++ class syntax
- Inheritance vs. composition
- Virtual methods and late binding
- Multiple inheritance
- Advanced operator overloading techniques
- C++ templates and exceptions
- Standard C++ type cast operators
- Review of material covered
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