Monday, August 6, 2007

Free Medical E-Book: ECG Notes: Interpretation And Management Guide

Product Details
»Book Publisher: F. A. Davis Company (April, 2005)
»ISBN: 0803613474
»Book author: Shirley A. Jones
»Amazon Rating: 5.0

A Davis's Notes book, ECG Notes is a quick-lookup reference for ECG interpretation and management. This indispensable pocket guide presents the basics (anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, electrical conduction system of the heart, basic ECG concepts and components), ACLS and CPR algorithms, emergency medications, and comprehensive information on monitoring leads and interpretation of over 100 ECG rhythms including 12-Lead and pacemaker rhythms.

Key Features:
  • ECG Notes is a great clinical and teaching guide for any healthcare professional
  • 200 pages with 155 color illustrations
  • Actual size, 3 x 5 inches with spiral binding across the top
  • Pages are waterproof and reusable; they can be written on with a ballpoint pen and old entries wiped off with an alcohol pad and reused; a great feature for taking notes
  • Contains the latest CPR guidelines and ACLS algorithms
  • "Clinical Tips" provide essential clinical implications throughout the guide
  • Over 100 arrhythmias analyzed in easy-to-read six-second strips
  • Covers 12-Lead, emergency medications and skills plus lead placement, and cardiac anatomy and physiology
  • "Test Yourself ECG Strips" present over 50 real-life arrhythmias for interpretation using the wipe-free form, they can also be used as flash cards for studying
  • The "Tools" section includes a handy heart-rate "ruler" that can be used to quickly establish the rate of an ECG, reusable patient report forms, and a glossary
  • Eight tabbed sections cover:
    • BASICS - cardiac anatomy and physiology, electrical conduction system of the heart, standard and augmented limb leads, standard chest leads, right-sided chest leads, 15-Lead ECG, methods to calculate heart rate, descriptions of normal and abnormal ECG components, and nine easy steps on how to analyze an ECG strip
    • ECGs - a comprehensive section covering the interpretation of over 50 arrhythmias (SA node, atrial, junctional, ventricular, AV blocks, artificial pacemaker rhythms, and ECG artifacts) with all ECG strips recorded in easy-to-read six-second strips, clinical tips are included to provide clinical implications to various arrhythmias
    • 12-LEAD - description of a 12-Lead ECG is given and colorful illustrations show the electrical axis of the heart, location of an MI by ECG leads, progression of an acute MI, ST elevation and depression, normal 12-Lead, and abnormal 12-Leads including anterior MI, inferior MI, lateral MI, spetal MI, posterior MI, and left and right bundle branch blocks
    • MEDS/SKILLS - covers indications, dosages, contraindications, side effects, and precautions of over 30 emergency medications, emergency skill procedures include defibrillation (manual and automatic), cardioversion, transcutaneous pacing, and carotid sinus massage
    • CPR - complete guidelines are covered for the adult, child, and infant for CPR and obstructed airway
    • ACLS - advanced cardiac life support algorithms (ACLS) are listed from ventricular fibrillation, pulseless VT, PEA, asystole, ischemic chest pain, bradycardia, unstable and stable tachycardias, and wide and narrow complex tachycardias
    • TEST STRIPS - over 50 test strips are presented in easy-to-read six-second strips with space to write in the answers, case studies are presented, answers are given at the end of the section
    • TOOLS - troubleshooting ECG problems are presented along with a patient ECG record that can be filled in and used over again by using the wipe-free feature, heart rate rulers quickly measure the ECG rate


  1. nice...very nice, helpful and comprehensive...this is worth Php200++ in the philippines and i got it here free...thanks...

  2. Thank you so much! This was very helpful...

  3. The link for download is not working.

  4. i cannot download this e-book... an error occurs everytime i click on the download link...

  5. link not working
