Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Advanced Engineering Mathematics

Tags: Free, Engineering, Engineers, Ebook, E-book, Mathematics, Applied Engineering

Alan Jeffrey, "Advanced Engineering Mathematics"
Publisher: Academic Press | Pages: 1216 | ISBN:012382592X | PDF | 8.65 MB

Advanced Engineering Mathematics provides comprehensive and contemporary coverage of key mathematical ideas, techniques, and their widespread applications, for students majoring in engineering, computer science, mathematics and physics. Using a wide range of examples throughout the book, Jeffrey illustrates how to construct simple mathematical models, how to apply mathematical reasoning to select a particular solution from a range of possible alternatives, and how to determine which solution has physical significance. Jeffrey includes material that is not found in works of a similar nature, such as the use of the matrix exponential when solving systems of ordinary differential equations. The text provides many detailed, worked examples following the introduction of each new idea, and large problem sets provide both routine practice, and, in many cases, greater challenge and insight for students. Most chapters end with a set of computer projects that require the use of any CAS (such as Maple or Mathematica) that reinforce ideas and provide insight into more advanced problems. A Student Solutions Manual is also available.

* Comprehensive coverage of frequently used integrals, functions and fundamental mathematical results
* Contents selected and organized to suit the needs of students, scientists, and engineers
* Contains tables of Laplace and Fourier transform pairs
* New section on numerical approximation
* New section on the z-transform
* Easy reference system

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Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 4th edition (Free Ebook)

Tags: Free, Engineering, E-book, Ebook, Engineer, Engineers, Science, Aerospace, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical

The number one text in its field, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 5/e is respected by professors and students alike for its comprehensive topical coverage, its varied examples and homework problems, and its strong focus on learning.

The authors have designed their presentation to allow for the gradual development of student confidence in problem solving. Each important concept is introduced in simple and easy-to-understand terms before more complicated examples are discussed.

Continuing this book’s tradition of extensive real-world applications, the new edition includes “Fluids in the News” case study boxes in each chapter, a set of brief stories describing interesting, novel, and current applications of fluid mechanics to help generate student interest in the topic. Many new homework problems have been created associated with these stories. Example problems have also been updated to include graphs illustrating the effects of changing parameter values, and

Wiley PLUS is available for adoption with this text: A complete online learning system to help prepare and present lectures, assign and manage homework, keep track of student progress, and customize your course content and course delivery. Talk to your local Wiley representative for details on setting up your Wiley PLUS course.

Intended Courses

* The Fifth Edition of Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics is intended for a one- or two-term introductory course in Fluid Mechanics at the Sophomore/Junior/Senior level.

This course is required for most mechanical, civil, chemical and aerospace engineering students.

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Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8ed. Student Solutions Manual and Study Guide (Free Ebook)

Erwin Kreyszig, «Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Student Solutions Manual and Study Guide»
Wiley| ISBN: 0471726443 | 8 edition (October 6, 2006) | 260 pages | PDF | 18.7 MB

This is a comprehensive compendium on engineering mathematics which I found fascinating and enjoyable to read. This is not a book for the novice but for those with a strong background in high school Mathematics. I used an earlier edition of this book as a graduate student and it is still among the texts I use as a reference book. Among the extensive topics covered include linear algebra, ordinary and partial differential equations, Fourier series, differential forms, graph theory, oscillation matrices, quantum symmetries, complex variables, probability and statistics, vector calculus, numerical and computer methods.

The book is a useful, helpful and handy reference for the engineering mathematics and applied mathematics student. The book is well written and the material is well organised with similar related concepts grouped together allowing a fluidity that facilitates its use. The author also presents various problems which when worked out will ensure a complete grasp of the subject.

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Fundamentals of Physics by David Halliday (Free Ebooks)

Fundamentals of Physics by David Halliday (Author), Robert Resnick (Author), Jearl Walker (Author)
Publisher: Wiley; 7 Sub edition (June 14, 2004) | ISBN-10: 0471216437 | PDF | 25 Mb | 1136 pages

No other book on the market today can match the 30-year success of Halliday, Resnick and Walker's Fundamentals of Physics! In a breezy, easy-to-understand style the book offers a solid understanding of fundamental physics concepts, and helps readers apply this conceptual understanding to quantitative problem solving. This book offers a unique combination of authoritative content and stimulating applications.

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